Registration is open for virtual attendees by Zoom, physically off-site Bank of Spain
The 27th Eurofiling Workshop will be broadcasted live, with a channel for questions, on a best effort basis.
DPM Refit, Dec 13, 2022 09:00. You are invited to a Zoom virtual meeting. Please register here in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing info about joining the meeting. Passcode: DPM_Refit
ESEF, Sustainability & XBRL, Dec 14, 2022 09:00. You are invited to a Zoom virtual meeting. Please register here in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing info about joining the meeting. Passcode: ESEF_S_X
Registration for XBRL Spain Day, December 15th, is at webpage
Registration for on-site persons, physically present at Banco de EspaƱa, IS CLOSED since December 2nd.
The 27th Eurofiling Workshop is held in the premises of a Central Bank, where the Security Control is very strict. You MUST bring to the entrance the original (not a copy) of a passport or any official card or identification document with your name and photograph that you use to prove who you are. The serial code/number of such identification document (ID number) MUST be on the Security’s registration list, which will scan the original identification document. Therefore, you MUST provide such ID number during this registration process. This ID number is strictly confidential information, protected by the European GDPR, collected and retained by Typeform Manager, transmitted only to the Security Service of the Bank of Spain by specific Board Member/s of the Eurofiling Foundation, and subsequently deleted.
Priority invitations policy (everybody is welcomed, but seats are limited to 177):
- Speakers, volunteers and convened Working Group members
- Regulators, Supervisors, Business Registers, Government and Financial Reporting Entities.
- Companies, organizations and individuals interested in the topic are welcomed up to the available seats by registration order. Limit of seats per entity may apply.
Waiting list, cancellations, and no-show:
A waiting list (by registration order) is to be open for registrations not included in the priority invitations (see above). The organisers will confirm waiting list registrations as soon as possible, after the priority invitations clearing.
If your registration is confirmed, but you will not attend, you are kindly but STRONGLY requested for written cancellation to as matter of consideration for our colleagues in waiting list.
According to the Eurofiling minutes of 20 December 2012, a non-force-majeure no-show would blacklist you for next events.
Registration for the Financial Regulators Workshop, December 12th, is closed
The Financial Regulators Workshop is oriented to employees or collaborators of Competent Authorities (CA) ONLY. Seats are limited.
Click to see the respective CAs lists of ECB, EBA, EIOPA and ESMA, in the European Union space . Other non-EU Competent Authorities around the world are also kindly invited, for example Central Banks and Monetary Authorities in the BIS list.
If your e-mail address belongs (affiliation) to a Competent Authority, and you are already registered for the 27th Eurofiling Workshop (this registration is compulsory for Security Clearance, even if you only attend the Workshop), and you are interested in participate in the Financial Regulators Workshop, PLEASE PROCEED TO REGISTER HERE FOR FREE.
You will first receive an automatic registration acknowledgment, and soon a formal invitation with venue, date, agenda and other details.
If your mail does not belongs to a Competent Autority, please send us a message explaining your case to