The Data Point Model methodology and its evolution to the DPM Refit
from the European Banking Authority
and the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
in a seminar organized by the Eurofiling Foundation
The Data Point Model methodology (DPM) has been developed with the help of the Eurofiling community, formalished in the CEN workshop XBRL, and promoted to ISO 5116 standard.
EBA and EIOPA decided to join efforts in a common initiative (DPM Refit) to review the DPM methodology to enable a complete convergence in the way of defining and communicating regulatory reporting requirements.
This common initiative has reached the second relevant milestone and we would like to invite you to a join seminar on the morning of Wednesday 22 June 2022 to present the main aspects of the DPM and its evolution with the Refit project. The seminar will be held on Zoom.
The seminar aims to present the current developments on the digital reporting based on the Data Point Model methodology of the EBA and EIOPA. Aimed at supervisors and regulators that are new or already experienced on the DPM based regulatory reporting, with the objective of providing them an overview of past DPM project experiences from ESAs and members, the current status, and the strategical evolutions planned for the future of the DPM Refit methodology.
09:00 – 09:30 Connection open
Haizhen Li (EBA) and Aitor Azcoaga (EIOPA, on the image). Presentation and Calendar
11:10 – 11:35 Panel: DPM Refit and the standardization landscape. 23’16”
Derek De Brandt, (CEN workshop XBRL, Eurofiling Foundation) (moderator) Pavel Diko (DG FISMA, Economic Analyst) | ||
Carlos Martins (speaker in this seminar) | ||
Paul Hulst (DNB, XBRL NL, Eurofiling Board, on the image) |
11:35 | (Click here to continue at the 12th Openfiling Assembly) | |
Arelle as DPM/XBRL open source platform, ESEF mapper, Eurofiling Best Practices Wiki … | ||
Attendances: 218 registrations from 101 entities of 27 countries
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Disclaimer: Please note that the sessions and presentations of this online seminar were recorded, in compliance with Eurofiling’s data protection policy, and made publicly available. See the Privacy Policy webpage for details.